
Sunday, 19 December 2021

Festive Fun with... Pam Lecky

Next up into the Festive Fun with... spotlight it's my pleasure to welcome Pam Lecky to the blog. 

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m an Irish historical fiction author who is somewhat obsessed with the past. This most likely stems from a lifetime of consuming historical fiction (crime, mystery and romance), and crime novels from the likes of Dorothy L Sayers, PD James and Agatha Christie. I’m married with three children and live in a small town north of Dublin city.  

My father was a ferocious reader and a lover of history; something he passed on to me at any early age. A special gift from him when I was about 12, the complete works of Jane Austen, firmly set my sights on the 19th  century. My love of reading grew to encompass many genres and I read my way through classics, historical fiction and crime (both modern and set in the past). But I found myself always returning to the 19th  century as I was fascinated by the speed of social and political change, the fashion, architecture and the way people behaved. But in the end, it was another author who inspired me to put pen to paper: a historical mystery with a disappointing ending sparked the mad idea of actually writing my own. Now, my writing world has expanded to encompass WW2 – a nice challenge for me and an enjoyable one to boot.

My first novel,  The Bowes Inheritance, was published in 2015 when I was 50 and I carry that as a badge of honour for I do not believe I could have written it as well at a younger age. Life experience has to colour your writing and I hope my work is the richer for it. Of course, what I didn’t realise is that writing can become addictive. Bowes did very well, being longlisted by the Historical Novel Society and shortlisted for the Carousel Aware Prize. That success gave me the confidence to keep writing and so here I am six years later, earning my living as a fulltime writer. 

My writing career took a great leap forward when I signed with the Hardman & Swainson Literary Agency in London in 2018. And it was through my agent that I signed a two-book deal with  Avon Books UK/Harper Collins at the end of 2020.  However, I will continue to be a hybrid author, with my popular Lucy Lawrence Mysteries (Victorian mysteries) being independently published and the third book in the series, The Art of Deception due for release in December.

What are you most looking forward to this Christmas?
Having my son and daughter home; both moved out during the summer.

What is your best Christmas memory?
I was about 7 or 8. Rushing downstairs very early one Christmas morning because my mother was calling me. She was all excited, telling me she had seen Santa going up the chimney. There was a sooty footprint in the hearth as well (she was nothing if not inventive). Santa had left a lovely red bicycle.

If you could choose one person, dead or alive, to celebrate a one-time special Christmas with, who would you choose and why?
My great grandfather. I am obsessed with my family history and there are so many things I’d love to know that the records can’t tell me. He and his family were caught up in the 1916 Rising in Dublin. The family home and business were destroyed, and he died a couple of years later.

What is your favourite festive book of all-time?
I love A Christmas Carol.

What Christmas book would you like to see turned into a film?
As above – so many great versions. I think the version with George C Scott is my favourite. Nice and spooky!

Do you have a favourite Christmassy cover?
Yes. I’m rather fond of the cover my Christmas novelette – Christmas at Malton Manor

What 3 books would you love Santa to have in his sack for you?
This is too hard! OK – any first editions of Georgette Heyer or Dorothy L Sayers would be very welcome.

And finally, what are your hopes for 2022?
Health and safety for all in these uncertain times, especially my family and friends. On a professional level, I’m looking forward to the publication of Her Last Betrayal on 14th April and I have ideas for several other books that I will be working on during the year.

Quick-fire questions

Roses or Quality Street? Roses
Mince pies/Christmas cake or Yule log? Not fair! All three!
Turkey or ham? Ham
Brussel sprouts or roast parsnips? Parsnips
Gravy or cranberry sauce? Gravy
Fake or real Christmas tree? Real
White or coloured lights? White
Giving or receiving presents? I’m going to be honest here – receiving!

Twitter: @pamlecky
Facebook: Pam Lecky Books 
Instagram: @pamleckybooks

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