Monday, 6 May 2013

Debut Spotlight: Elle Field

Today in my debut spotlight feature I'm pleased to introduce you to indie author Elle Field who has just published her first novel Kept.

'Did she really just say that? I am fifteen again, except the reality is I am experiencing full parental horror, aged twenty-five. I want to die.'

Life hasn't quite worked out how Arielle Lockley imagined it would. Becoming the next Coco Chanel was always her childhood dream, but she's spent the past four years living a dizzying whirl of glitzy parties, luxurious holidays and daily shopping sprees - all paid for by boyfriend Piers - and not doing anything to make her Coco dreams happen.

When the recession hits, its not just the economy that takes a tumble and Arielle finds herself living back with her parents, on bad terms with Piers, and having a CV that's as welcome as a pair of knock-off Jimmy Choos. And maybe it's the location, but she's also finding unwelcome thoughts of her childhood sweetheart are popping into her head...

What's a girl to do? Can Arielle figure out what it is she now wants to do with her life and move on, or will she be doomed to spend the rest of her life dwelling over her worst mistakes, stuck listening to her parents' embarrassing dinner table talk each night? 

Elle Field is a twenty-something writer who lives in North London with her boyfriend. A social media consultant by day, she enjoys exploring and photographing Blighty's capital, seeing far too many musicals, and eating her away around London's culinary delights.

Kept is her first novel, which will be followed by Geli Voyante's Hot or Not later this year.

You can read her blog at and follow her on Twitter: @ellefie