Sunday, 17 November 2013

Guest Book Review: Eloisa James - Duchess in Love

Reviewed by Jo Hurst

Gina was forced into marriage with Camden, the Duke of Girton, at an age when she'd have been better off in a schoolroom than a ballroom. Directly after the ceremony her handsome spouse promptly fled to the continent, leaving the marriage unconsummated and Gina quite indignant. Now she is one of the most well-known ladies in London . . . living on the edge of scandal - desired by many men, but resisting giving herself to anyone.

Finally, Camden has returned home to discover that his naïve bride has blossomed into the toast of the ton. Which leaves Cam in the most uncomfortable position of discovering that he has the bad manners to be falling in love - with his own wife!

Amazon links: Kindle or Paperback

I agreed to help Sharon out with her TBR pile and she sent me Duchess In Love by Eloise James, the book is set around 1810.

Cam, the future Duke of Girton, was forced to marry who he thought was his cousin Gina on his 18 birthday, he promptly escaped and jumped out the window leaving his bride behind.  The book is set 12 years after this on his return to England to annul his marriage to Gina who wishes to marry another man, but he doesn't expect that his wife has changed into such a beauty. 

I love how Eloise goes into the details of the time and the questionable morals of the aristocracy at the time.  I've got to say from the first page I was hoping that Gina and Cam would get back together and sort out their marriage. thoroughly good book with a little bit of a twist here and there to keep you reading with the will they won't they theme.  Also Gina's madcap, scandalous friends are great.   I enjoyed reading this and will look for more books like this in the future. 

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