Sunday, 3 May 2015

Books Read: Cressida McLaughlin - Wellies and Westies

Catherine ‘Cat’ Palmer realises, too late, that bringing an adorable puppy into work at the local nursery was a bad idea, especially after the ensuing chaos gets her the sack.Determined to turn a negative into a positive, Cat decides this is the perfect opportunity to get her dog-walking business off the ground with the help of her flatmates, Polly and Joe. After all, Primrose Terrace where she lives, is full of home-alone hounds… 

Wellies and Westies is the first part of a serialized novel told in four parts – all set in Primrose Terrace.

Amazon link: Kindle

As I mentioned in the debut spotlight feature for Cressida McLaughlin earlier this week, Wellies & Westies is the first novella in her Primrose Terrace series featuring Catherine (Cat) Palmer. First off can I say how gorgeous is this cute cover and the other three covers for the series are totally gorgeous too and are so apt for each novella.

Cat Palmer knew it probably wasn't a good idea to bring her neighbours puppy Disco with her to work hidden in her handbag especially as she was already on dubious grounds with her boss Alison.  So it wasn't such a big surprise that Disco had other ideas than to stay still and quiet and although he was a big hit with the kids in the nursery school Cat soon finds herself out of a job. But before you could say unemployment benefits Cat has a new business venture to look forward to, dog walking, and there's certainly no shortage of clients in Primrose Terrace to keep her occupied.

I knew this was going to be winner for me as soon as I found myself chuckling in the opening paragraph, I could picture the scene with her talking to Disco in the handbag so clearly but also knowing how mischievous puppies can be I could forsee trouble ahead.

The Primrose Terrace residents were certainly a diverse and interesting bunch, Cat, her flatmates Polly and Joe, next door neighbour Elsie and the mysterious new neighbour Mark to name just a few, so I'm looking forward to hopefully getting to know them more over the rest of the series although I have to admit for me it's all about the dogs who each had their own personalities and characteristics.  

I'm not normally a fan of novellas as often they feel too short and rushed but that was not the case for Wellies and Westies as despite only being 98 pages the story flowed naturally and didn't feel rushed as though trying to fit too much into so few pages.  But it also achieved its aim of leaving me wanting more so I've already pre-ordered the next novella Sunshine & Spaniels that is being published on 18th June.

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