Wednesday 31 October 2018

Blogiversary Giveaway: Win a signed copy of Come and Find Me by Sarah Hilary

I can't believe that it's already the final day of this year's blogiversary celebrations although I think my bank balance is secretly glad that it is 😂  This year I have decided not to do a Halloween themed giveaway, despite the last couple being very popular, instead I have TWO giveaways for you.

The first of which is for a copy of Come and Find Me by Sarah Hilary which Sarah very kindly signed after I met her at her recent appearance on the Crime Writers Panel at Salisbury Literary Festival.  My original intention had been to review Come and Find Me alongside this giveaway but sadly time has run away from me and I didn't get a chance to read the book this week so a review will follow at a later date.

On the surface, Lara Chorley and Ruth Hull have nothing in common, other than their infatuation with Michael Vokey. Each is writing to a sadistic inmate, sharing her secrets, whispering her worst fears, craving his attention.

DI Marnie Rome understands obsession. She's finding it hard to give up her own addiction to a dangerous man: her foster brother, Stephen Keele. She wasn't able to save her parents from Stephen. She lives with that guilt every day.

As the hunt for Vokey gathers pace, Marnie fears one of the women may have found him - and is about to pay the ultimate price.

*Terms and Conditions* – As with all giveaways on the blog the giveaway is open to existing followers, enter via Rafflecopter form below.  The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by email and/or Twitter. Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties and will be deleted once receipt of the prize has been confirmed.  NB. Please do not add details of this giveaway to other sites without my permission.

a Rafflecopter giveaway All book titles in bold are Amazon UK Affiliate links which will earn me a few pence if anyone clicks through and makes a purchase - any money earned will go towards buying books or gifts for giveaways.

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