Friday 3 December 2021

Festive Fun with... Amanda

One of the things I have loved since setting up the blog 10 years ago is the friends I have made in the book world, some I have met in person and other's like today's featured guest Amanda I have never met but still we talk regularly online and she always checks in on me if I'm not so active on social media to make sure I'm OK. 

Tell us a little bit about yourself. 
Hi, I’m Amanda, a sometimes blogger at Ampersand Book Reviews, an always reader and a seller of bookish goods in my Etsy shop, Amanda at Ampersand. Inspired by The Great British Sewing Bee, I bought a sewing machine during lockdown with visions of running up a wardrobe of chic clothes. Two years later and not one item of clothing stitched. I’m still practicing, making face masks and elasticated bookmarks and loving doing just that. I take great pride in my sewing and get a huge buzz when someone likes what I make. It’s all about doing what you love. 

Having bought several facemasks and bookmarks from Amanda, (a couple of bookmarks are included in the 12 Days of Christmas giveaway prizes) I can highly recommend them as I always get complimented when wearing the masks.  

What are you most looking forward to this Christmas? 
It’s that huge sigh of relief when, after all the shopping, worrying and panicking, presents are opened, dinner cooked and eaten and I can just flop and enjoy.

Do you have any favourite family Christmas traditions?
It has to be the latest addition, the Icelandic tradition, Jolabokaflod, the giving and receiving of books on Christmas Eve and then reading. I really have to force myself to take part!  

What is your best Christmas memory? 
I can’t really think of a best Christmas memory, there are so many, but I do remember the excitement was always almost unbearable when I was little. I can remember truly believing in Father Christmas so I think that has to be the best.

Describe your ideal Christmas 
Surrounded by happy, contented faces.

If you could choose one person, dead or alive, to celebrate a one time special Christmas with, who would you choose and why? 
Of course it would be my parents, but I couldn’t choose between them and I just couldn’t bear to say goodbye. So, I’ll just stick with those I love here and now. I wouldn’t want to spend Christmas with anyone else.

What is your favourite festive book of all-time? 
The Night Before Christmas.

What Christmas book would you like to see turned into a film? 
None. The film rarely lives up to the one I’ve already seen in my head.

If you could spend Christmas with any fictional character, who would you choose and why? 
Becky Bloomwood/Brandon. I love her and it would be ridiculously funny.

Do you have a favourite Christmassy cover? 
An old The Night Before Christmas book.

Do you have any Christmas book traditions? 
Just the new Jolabokaflod tradition.

What 3 books would you love Santa to have in his sack for you? 
I’m really looking forward to The Visitors by Caroline Scott. I loved her previous books so can’t wait to read this one. The House of Gucci looks good. I’ve seen trailers of the film but I’d prefer to read the book. I just want all the books if I’m honest, but I love a surprise too, so my third would be just that.

What is your favourite Christmas song? 
I love to sing and dance along to all the popular Christmas songs but my absolute favourite is anything from The Carols with St. Paul’s Cathedral Choir. Pure Christmas.

What is your favourite Christmas film? 
The Snowman.

And finally, what are your hopes for 2022? 
Is a return to normality too big an ask? Maybe I should say, peace, love and more compassion? But this is just for fun, so I’ll say I hope for the return of the King Size Mars Bar!!

Quick-fire questions

Roses or Quality Street? Roses 
Mince pies/Christmas cake or Yule log? Mince Pies 
Turkey or ham? Turkey 
Brussel sprouts or roast parsnips? Roast Parsnips 
Gravy or cranberry sauce? Gravy 
Fake or real Christmas tree? Real 
White or coloured lights? White 
Giving or receiving presents? Giving, always

Happy Christmas everyone!

1 comment:

  1. They don’t make King size Mars anymore? 😨
    Nice to learn more about your Christmas, Amanda. Hope you have a wonderful one. 🎄
