Sunday, 22 December 2013

Countdown to Christmas Day 22: Festive Fun Q&A with Lisa

This morning it's the turn of  fellow blogger Lisa, who reviews at LeeLeeLoves, to answer a few festive fun questions as part of my Countdown to Christmas features.

Hey Sharon, Merry Christmaaaaaas!

What’s your earliest or favourite Christmas memory?
One of my favourite Christmas memories is when we had two Christmases, who wouldn’t like that? It wasn’t all happy though! I was around seven years old and Dad was being deployed on exercise for eight months, he was leaving a few weeks before Christmas so Mum and Dad made us a mini pre Christmas. We were given one present each, Mine was a paint set, it had a huge tub of purple glitter paint inside and by the time Dad got my letters the paint inside had melted in the heat, I can imagine him with purple glitter paint on his uniform!

I still wonder to this day how mum managed that Christmas with three kids building all of our fiddly toys and Dad being away.

What are you looking forward to most this Christmas?
Some time off relaxing with Christmas films and books, hopefully while it snows outside! It will probably involve chocolate cake too, at least I hope it will! 

Oh and cats, fluffy cats. 

Do you have any family traditions that you always follow? 
Every year since we were tiny my Dad has made Christmas breakfast, he would go around with his Army notebook and take our order like a chef and we loved it! He still does this now we have all grown up and left home, notebook and all. My mum and I would always be the festive ones and spend weeks decorating and being excited while watching Christmas films together. I’ve gone solo to continue that, nobody else in the family is quite as festive as she was. Dad would probably have a turkey before a tree but he does try, I still go round and cover his place in decorations each year, he loves it really! 

Do you do the whole traditional Christmas dinner or have alternative? 
Definitely a traditional dinner, turkey lurky, sprouts that everyone hates, piggies in blankets. 
The works. I also put mint sauce on my Turkey Dinner (all roast dinners) and everyone thinks its weird!

What’s your favourite Christmas song or carol?
Have yourself a merry little Christmas - The Judy Garland version 

What film do you hope to curl up and watch on Christmas afternoon?
Miracle on 34th Street 

Do you have a favourite Christmas book that you read again and again? 
I usually find myself reading the Harry Potter books at Christmas time, do they count as being festive? 

Which singer/band would you like to turn up carol singing at your door? 
Hanson, they have the best Christmas album too. How amazing would that be!!!

Which celebrity would you like to snog under the mistletoe?
That is a tough one. Tom Cruise, in the early days or Alexander Skarsgard! Oooh yes.

If you could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, where would it be?
In a log cabin, in snowwy Canada. Only if I can take my family and cats with me.

What’s top of your wishlist this Christmas?
Honestly I have no idea what I would like this year, is this a sign that I’m getting old? 

If you could do one good deed for someone less fortunate than yourself this Christmas, what would it be?
To give somebody food and warmth.

Finally a few quickfire questions to finish...

Tree: real or artificial? REAL!

Fairy Lights : White or Multi-Coloured? Both, ALL of the lights! 

Drink: Mulled Wine or Bucks Fizz? Both ahaha ;) 

Food: Mince Pies or Xmas Pud? Neither! Yuk... my only downfall of festiveness. I can’t 
stand either, chocolate log please! 

Games: Monolopy, Trivial Pursuit or something else? We usually watch a film with port, cheese & crackers. No games really.

Follow Lisa's reviews on  or chat to her on Twitter @LeeLeeLoves

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